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Global Communication Skills
1. Use simple, clear language! Steve Jobs도 초등학교 5학년 수준의 단어를 썼다. 또한 짧게 이야기했다.
2. Be a good Listener
Test understanding often through active listening.
"What I hear you saying is..."
"Let me make sure I understand what you've said"
"Ok, so..."
"I see, so..."
"In other words..."
3. Signal what you are about to do
For example when you have a question say,
May I ask a question?
I have a question about that or when you are going to make a suggestion start by saying
If I may make a suggestion
I have an idea
4. Give reasons for disagreeing first
I disagree because that idea doesn't address the main issue and will be difficult to implement
Reverse the order by giving your reasons for disagreeing first and then stating that you disagree.
That idea doesn't address the main issue and will be difficult to implement, therefore I disagree.
5. Disagree with ideas not people
6. Avoid "Knee-jerk" reactions
7. Questions?
- 이해할 수 있을 때까지 계속 물어보기
- 배움의 기회를 놓친다. 항상 질문하기. 습관이 될 때까지.
8. Have a positive attiude
9. Learn to Observe rather than Evaluate
10. Use "We" / "Let's instead of I"
11. Summarize and test often
12. Mirroring
+느낀 점
외국인을 만날 때나 어디 가서 스피치를 할 때 굉장히 도움이 될만한 내용이었다.
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